Hiquid Food blended soups

Regular formula often consists of highly processed ingredients that the body may struggle to accept. At Hiquid Food, we've taken a different approach: we use natural ingredients crafted by nature itself. This offers a gentle, wholesome way to nourish the body and support its natural processes. Our products are simple to prepare and perfect for meals with friends and family. After all, we are part of nature — and no one understands us better than nature itself!

Hiquid Food blended soups is food for special medical purposes. A nutritional supplement for the dietary management of children (> 3 years) and adults requiring a feeding tube and must be used under medical supervision. The meal must be administered manually with a syringe. Not for parenteral (I.V.) use. 


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Newly Blend

Newly Blend makes blended diet easily available. From homemade blend to Newly Blend. Let’s include everybody at the table and enjoy food together.

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