It is amazing what real food can do for the body!

It is amazing what real food can do for the body!

Testimonial: One of Our Participants in Our Digital Course on Homemade Tube Feeding shared this on Facebook and with us, and we are happy to share their story!

"I don't share much on Facebook anymore, but this deserves a post. What an adventure this past week has been!!

After a revelation of this magnitude, one might wonder why we didn’t do this sooner. But the truth is, the 'excuse' for not trying earlier was that it just felt too overwhelming. Sometimes, you just have to be kind to yourself and remind yourself that you've truly done the best you could.

When life consists of illness after illness, and we've become used to vomiting being a part of our daily routine—no matter how awful and exhausting it is for everyone—you rarely have the energy to experiment. After all, there was absolutely no guarantee this would work. This is no quick fix for everyone struggling with chronic vomiting. There are many different causes. Everything is just theory until you find the energy and motivation to try something new.

After our daughter didn’t get her usual vomiting-free break following a recent cold, and instead, the mucus and retching only got worse, I felt like I had hit rock bottom. Spring is approaching, and another attempt at weaning her off the feeding tube was planned, but her ability to enjoy and explore food was completely ruined by multiple bouts of vomiting every day. So, we postponed the weaning and instead, I threw myself into the unknown and frightening world of homemade tube feeding.

With a thousand questions and a fear of not providing enough balanced and well-composed nutrition, I gave it a try anyway. I’ve received expert guidance and tips from a clinical nutritionist at the hospital, and I’m taking an online course to learn even more about what I’m doing.

But the results already speak for themselves:
The morning after the first day with homemade tube feeding—food made from good, fresh, healthy ingredients, not synthetically produced and full of harmful long-term additives—our daughter woke up with a smile, completely free of mucus-filled coughing, no retching with mucus and stomach acid, and for the first time, breakfast stayed down. We sent her to daycare and picked her up in the same clothes (!!). A whole new and better world, just like that. Suddenly, she can handle full meals without needing IV fluids while she sleeps to stay hydrated. Her digestion is finally functioning normally—for the first time in her life. We are so amazed by this huge improvement that we feel like we’re floating on a pink cloud, while also being terrified that we’re celebrating too soon and this might only be temporary.

But the daycare staff are thrilled, reporting that she is much more social with other children, babbling all day long, has more energy, and shows a keen interest in the food being served (she eats what she wants before we use the feeding tube), which hasn’t happened in months.

We have a new child and a new daily life, and for the first time since before our daughter was born, we’re sleeping eight hours a night and waking up refreshed. Wow, just wow. It is amazing what real food can do for the body!" 

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